Streaming videos of the meeting
On Windows and Linux machines they play well with RealPlayer, and on Macs you need to have the latest version of VLC media player. The two morning sessions are 1 and 2, and the two afternoon sessions are 3 and 4. Each session is about 100 Mb in size. The Thursday colloquium by Mitchell Begelman is listed separately.Thursday: 1, 2, 3, 4, Begelman colloquium.
Scope of the meeting
The purpose of the 3-day symposium is to highlight the role of radiation in fluid dynamical activity throughout astrophysics. A wide range of topics will be considered including thermal effects in the solar atmosphere and sunspots, radiation pressure driven dynamics such as photon bubbles in hot stars and accretion discs and reionization of the Universe by the first stars. The general topic of radiation hydrodynamics is particularly timely in view of the 60th anniversary of Åke Nordlund, who pioneered the interaction of radiation transport with three-dimensional hydrodynamics in the mid 1970s. Radiation hydrodynamics simulations have now reached a high degree of realism and are routinely performed in solar and stellar physics. Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic effects that are due to radiation pressure are beginning to find broad appreciation not only in the field of stellar physics, but also accretion discs. Radiation hydrodynamics is to an increasing extent being incorporated into cosmological simulations in order to understand radiative feedback in structure formation. Given such great diversity of applications, the cross-disciplinary exchange of idea is therefore particularly important.Invited Speakers
Marek Abramowicz (Göteborg)Mitchell C. Begelman (Boulder)
Omer Blaes (Santa Barbara)
Christiane Helling (St Andrews)
Susanne Höfner (Uppsala)
Vincent Icke (Leiden)
Ilian Iliev (Toronto)
Mika Juvela (Helsinki)
Hans Ludwig (Meudon)
Garrelt Mellema (Stockholm)
Åke Nordlund (Copenhagen)
Juri Poutanen (Oulu)
Paul Shapiro (Austin, Texas)
Aristotle Socrates (Princeton)
Edward A. Spiegel (Columbia Univ)
Robert F. Stein (Michigan)
Juergen Steinacker (Heidelberg)
Rashid Sunyaev (MPI Munich/Garching)
Neal J. Turner (JPL/Caltech)
Masayuki Umemura (Tsukuba U, Japan)
Sven Wedemeyer-Boehm (Oslo)
Dan Whalen (San Diego)
Informal (but more complete) List of Participants.
Scientific Organzing Committee
Axel Brandenburg (Chair) <>Garrelt Mellema <>
Åke Nordlund <>
Juri Poutanen <>
Göran Scharmer <>
Ed Spiegel < <br>

The meeting is sponsored jointly by Nordita and the AstroSim programme. A full report of the meeting is available.
Logistic issues
Please make sure you book your accommodation by going to the website of the corresponding hotel. If you choose one on our list, please make sure you mention the bock bocking code:#G 185718 for Hotel Oden (phone +46 8 457 97 00, price 855-961 SEK)
#KTH A070508 for Hotel Acardia (phone +46 8 566 21500)
The block booking expires on 8 April.
How to get here?
(this link has a description and a map). The meeting takes place in the main AlbaNova building,
just next to the Nordita building.