August 30, 2010 to September 24, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The workshop is aimed at bringing together experts in the fields of nanoscale and low-dimensional condensed matter physics, quantum gases, integrable models, statistical and quantum field theory, and mathematical physics, to develop interdisciplinary communication and collaborations. Experimentalists will be visiting for shorter periods, to provide overview talks on recent developments. An important aspect of the workshop is to boost fundamental theoretical research on nanoscale and low-dimensional systems.

Problems that will be covered during the program are
  • Theory for nanoscale devices for cold atoms (”atomic chips”)
  • Development of Bethe Ansatz techniques to describe non-equilibrium and transport phenomena in low-dimensional systems
  • Calculation of correlation functions in integrable quantum field theories and lattice models
  • The study of disorder and interaction effects in topological insulators
  • Theory for quantum phase transitions into topologically ordered states
  • Correlation effects in graphene
  • Interferometry of non-Abelian quantum Hall states
  • Quantum impurities and entanglement in quantum information devices
  • Conformal field theory and topological quantum computation

To apply for participation, please use the 'Application Form' in the menu on the left. The deadline for application is April 30, 2010. Decisions on participation will be made early in May, 2010.

From Monday, September 6th, till Friday, September 10, 2010, a conference, co-sponsored by INSTANS, will be held. Information about the conference, including a list of invited speakers, as well as a registration page, can be found on the conference website .