February 15, 2010 to March 1, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Infulence of the range of interaction in thin magnetic structures

Feb 25, 2010, 10:15 AM


Andrea Taroni (Uppsala University)


The properties of ultrathin magnetic structures are influenced by many length scales that reflect both generic physics and chemical detail. A striking example is the experimentally determined shift of the critical temperature as a function of film thickness. While all systems experience a pronounced suppression in Tc with decreasing film thickness, the magnitude of this shift cannot be reconciled with established theoretical results. In particular, the ratio between the monolayer and bulk limits for the nearest neighbour Ising model is roughly 1/2, whereas experimentally, ratios of the order of 0.1 are commonly measured. By means of detailed Monte Carlo simulations, we resolve this discrepancy by investigating a model with long-range interactions. The model also captures other features of real ultrathin magnets, such as an almost linear temperature dependence for the surface magnetization. Our results demonstrate that the behavior of ultrathin magnetic structures arises from a competition of length scales dictated by their slab-like geometry, the presence of surface boundaries, and crucially, the range of the interactions present.

Primary author

Andrea Taroni (Uppsala University)

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