February 15, 2010 to March 1, 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone

List of registrants

31 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Anatoly Belonoshko KTH
Anders Bergman Department of physics and astronomy, Uppsala University
Anders Rosengren Theoretical Physics
Andrea Taroni Uppsala University
Annica Black-Schaffer NORDITA
ATIEH ZAMANI Department of Physics and Astronomy UPPSALA UNIVERSITY
Björgvin Hjörvarsson Department of Physics / Uppsala University
Chunmei Li Department of material science and engineering, KTH
eddy ardonne Nordita
Edwin Langmann KTH
Elena Vedmedenko Institute for Applied Physics
Erna Krisztina Delczeg Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
Hannes Jonsson University of Iceland
Ivan Shelykh Science Institute, University of Iceland
Johan Hellsvik Department of Physics and Astronomy
Lars Nordström Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University
Martina Ahlberg Department of Physics/Uppsala University
masoud karimipour angstrom lab,department of material physics
Mats Horsdal Nordita
Mats Wallin Theoretical Physics KTH
Olle Eriksson Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala Univ.
Paata Kakashvili NORDITA
Patrik Henelius Teoretisk Fysik
Per Håkan Lundow Department of theoretical physics, KTH
Peter Holdsworth Ecole Normale Superieure
Robin Stinchcombe Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
Simon Banks University College London
Song LU Royal Institute of Technology KTH
Steve Bramwell London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL
Thomas Hase University of Warwick
Unnar Arnalds Department of Physics and Astronomy