If you are already invited to the workshop - please fill in one of the forms below.
If you are not invited, but want to participate, please contact to organizers.
REGISTRATION FORM (for participants from
outside Nordic countries),
PLEASE FILL IT IN AND EMAIL TO qf2007@nordita.org.
1) First Name
2) Last Name
3) Email
4) Arrival date and approximate time
5) Departure date and approximate time
6) A limited number of apartments will be available in the Södermalm and
Östermalm districts of Stockholm (see the map at www.eniro.se).
Do you prefer accommodation in:
A) Hotel
B) Apartment
7) Do you need a visa? If so specify what type of invitation letter you
need and where it should be sent
8) Title of the proposed talk(s) [several talks are encouraged]
9) Special requests
REGISTRATION FORM (for participants from
Nordic countries),
PLEASE FILL IT IN AND EMAIL TO qf2007@nordita.org
1) First Name
2) Last Name
3) Email
4) Arrival date and approximate time
5) Departure date and approximate time
6) A limited number of apartments will be available in Södermalm and
Östermalm districts of Stockholm (see the map at www.eniro.se).
Do you prefer accommodation in
A) Hotel
B) Apartment
7) Do you need financial support?
(Nordita will reimburse tickets and local expenses for the non-Nordic participants. Our aim is that Nordita also should reimburse the Nordic participants, but we cannotguarantee this before the final budget is made.)
8) Title of the proposed talk(s)
9) Special requests