15 August 2007 to 30 September 2007
Europe/Stockholm timezone


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Participants in the Nordita workshop on Quantum Fluids

Organizers:  Egor Babaev, Hans Hansson, Anders Karlhede, Susanne Viefers and Mats Wallin

International Participants

Sasha Balatsky (LANL)
Leon Balents (UCSB)
Vadim Cheianov (Lancaster)
Eduardo Fradkin (UIUC)
Jainendra Jain (Penn State)
Anatoly Kuklov, (CUNY),
Kazu Machida (Okayama),
Joel Moore (Berkeley)
Sankar Das Sarma (Maryland)
Boris Svistunov (UMassAmherst)
Dam Thanh Son (Seattle)
Edouard Sonin (Jerusalem)
Martin Speight (Leeds)
Henk Stoof
Zlatko Tesanovic (John's Hopkins)
Frank Wilczek (MIT)
Ashvin Vishwanath (Berleky)
Shoucheng Zhang (Stanford)

Nordic Participants

M. Andersson, KTH
M. Granath, GU
J. Engquist, UiO
P. Henelius, KTH
J. Hietarinta, Turku
H. Johannesson, GU
V. Krasnov, SU
A. Niemi, UU
G. Kavoulakis, LU
E. Langman, KTH
J. Leinaas, UiO
E. Lundh, UmU
J. Lidmar, KTH
S. Östlund, GU
S. Reimann, LU
A. Rosengren, KTH
A. Rydh, SU
A. Skaugen, UiO
A. Sudbo, NTH
K. Zarembo, UU