6–10 Sept 2010
Albanova University Center, room FD5
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Transient fluctuation relations for time-dependent particle transport

9 Sept 2010, 09:00
Albanova University Center, room FD5

Albanova University Center, room FD5

Roslagstullsbacken 23 106 91 Stockholm Sweden


Reinhold Egger (Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf)


In this talk I consider transport in mesoscopic systems under the influence of time-varying driving forces, where fluctuation relations connect the statistics of pairs of time reversed evolutions of physical observables. I will discuss general functional fluctuation relations for current flow in mesoscopic quantum systems induced by time-varying forces. Successive measurement processes implied by this setup do not put the derivation of quantum fluctuation relations in jeopardy. While in many cases the fluctuation relation for a full time-dependent current profile may contain excessive information, a number of reduced relations can be given, and their application to mesoscopic transport will be discussed. Examples include the distribution of transmitted charge, where the derivation of a fluctuation relation requires the combined monitoring of the statistics of charge and work.

Presentation materials