19 September 2011 to 14 October 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Physics and Information Theory: Landauer's principle and beyond

23 Sept 2011, 10:45
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Ryoichi Kawai (Department of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham)


The Landauer's principle states that erasure of a bit of information requires at least k*ln2 of entropy production. This principle becomes a foundation of the relation between information theory and physics. Since its inception, the principle has been challenged by many people while others have demonstrated its validity. Due to the lack of rigorous proof, there have been many misleading statements about the principle. In fact, the above statement of the principle itself invites misinterpretation. The recent development in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics provides us with tools to investigate the relation between information and physics. Nevertheless, there are still misunderstanding and misleading statements in recent literature. In order to stimulate discussion at NORDITA, I will present a brief review on the issues related to the Landauer's principle and thermodynamics of logic gates utilizing the recent understanding of irreversible processes.

Primary author

Prof. Ryoichi Kawai (Department of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham)

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