19 September 2011 to 14 October 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dissipation and the foundations of classical statistical mechanics

19 Sept 2011, 10:15
FA32 (AlbaNova)




Prof. Denis Evans (The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)


Over the last 15 years we have discovered a group of related theorems that enable us to prove the ”laws” of thermodynamics. Each of these ”laws” is provable for time reversible, deterministic equations of motion that satisfy a mathematical condition called T-mixing. The axiom of causality is also required. These proofs involve a new mathematical quantity first defined in 2000, namely dissipation. Dissipation, not entropy, turns out to be the central quantity for the fluctuation theorems, the dissipation theorems, linear and nonlinear response theory, and the relaxation theorem. Using dissipation, we can also derive Clausius’ Inequality and Equality, without assuming the Second ”Law” of thermodynamics.

Primary author

Prof. Denis Evans (The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)

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