19 September 2011 to 14 October 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Asymptotics of work distributions in Langevin systems

23 Sept 2011, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Andreas Engel (University of Oldenburg)


Non-equilibrium work and fluctuation theorems highlight the large-deviation properties of thermodynamic quantities. Accordingly the tails of the probability densities of work, heat, or entropy are of special importance. However, by their very definition rare realizations from these tails are difficult to observe in experiments or simulations and the resulting histograms are imprecise exactly in the region of highest interest. The situation may be improved by combining the histograms with analytical expressions for the asymptotics of the probability distributions. In the case of driven Langevin systems the asymptotic behaviour of the work distribution can be determined from a saddle-point approximation in the functional integral describing the transformation of probability from the trajectory to the work. The calculation of the pre-exponential factor may improve the accuracy of the method substantially and allows to combine histogram and asymptotics without adjustable parameters. For the special case of harmonic potentials with time-dependent frequency the asympotitics of the work distribution is always exponential.

Primary author

Prof. Andreas Engel (University of Oldenburg)

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