19 September 2011 to 14 October 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Diffusion with stochastic resetting

7 Oct 2011, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Martin Evans (Edinburgh)


"Stochastic resetting" is a rather common process in everyday life. Consider searching for some target such as, for example, a face in a crowd or one?s misplaced keys at home. A natural tendency is, on having searched unsuccessfully for a while, to return to the starting point and recommence the search. In this talk I explore the consequences of such resetting on perhaps the most simple and common process in nature, namely, the diffusion of a single or a multiparticle system. It turns out that a nonzero rate of resetting has a rather rich and dramatic effect on the diffusion process, strongly affecting the behaviour of mean first passage times and survival probabilities.

Primary author

Prof. Martin Evans (Edinburgh)

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