19 September 2011 to 14 October 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Record statistics in time series with drift: Theory and applications

4 Oct 2011, 10:45
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Joachim Krug (University of Cologne)


Record-breaking events of all kinds generate considerable attention in the public domain, but the mathematical theory of records appears to be known only to specialists. In its classic form, the theory is concerned with records in time series of independent, identically distributed random variables, for which the sequence of record-breaking events displays a number of non-obvious, universal properties. In recent work we have modified the basic record model by taking into account a systematic, linear time dependence of the mean of the underlying random variables. Somewhat counterintuitively, the drift induces correlations between record events which may lead to a bunching of records when the underlying probability distribution has heavy tails. Applications of the theory to global warming and stock market fluctuations will also be described. The talk is based on joint work with Gregor Wergen and Jasper Franke.

Primary author

Prof. Joachim Krug (University of Cologne)

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