1 November 2011 to 3 December 2011
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The 4-week program will be devoted to geometrical subjects motivated by string theory, and to recent developments in string theory and related physical fields (quantum field theory) which are of strong geometrical interest. While the program will cover all areas of interaction between string theory and geometry, to provide additional focus we will emphasize particular subareas such as: the application of supersymmetry in differential geometry, generalized geometry, vertex algebras, topological field theories.

The participation in the program is mainly by invitation only. However if you are interested to participate, please register and contact the organizers.

Within the program there will be series of pedagogical lectures:

Sergei Kuzenko (Western Australia U.) "Extended supersymmetric sigma models in superspace and hyperkaehler geometry'' (3 lectures) video of lectures

Vasily Pestun (IAS, Princeton) "Localization of the path integrals in supersymmetric QFTs on spaces with isometries" (3 lectures) video of lectures

Jian Qiu (Florence, INFN) "Perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of TFT" (3 lectures) video of lectures

At the end of the program there will be "The 28th Nordic Network Meeting on "Strings, Fields and Branes" from the 1st of December till the 3rd of December 2011. There is separate registration for this workshop.