15–17 Sept 2010
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The better-than-preliminary-but-not-quite-final timetable is now up - times are more or less set, some talk titles have still to be added

IceCube in the context of dark matter searches - C. de los Heros

17 Sept 2010, 10:00
FD5 (Svedbergsalen) (AlbaNova)

FD5 (Svedbergsalen)



The construction of the IceCube neutrino observatory is practically terminated. With 79 strings taking data out of the 86 foreseen, we are one deployment season away from completion. I will review the capabilities of IceCube as a dark matter detector presenting results from searches for dark matter annihilations in the Sun, in the Galactic Center and in the Galactic Halo. Candidates considered are WIMPs in the MSSM and cMSSM scenarios, Kaluza-Klein modes and superheavy particles (Simpzillas). Discussions will be focused on the needed dialogue between experimenters and model builders so any side can use the work of the other to probe the predictions of given models.

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