- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
With a new energy frontier opening up we all want to be ready to set out on the road to discoveries. We know that along the way we will face hordes of data, the constraining shackles of statistical error bars and the nefarious plotting of systematic errors, we know we must endure the hardships of complicated parameter interdependencies. All this to perhaps, finally, reach the undiscovered country of New Physics.
The aim of this workshop is to investigate approaches to constraining the parameters of New Physics models with data from current collider and astrophysics experiments, with some emphasis on models with Supersymmetry. This is a field which has seen a lot of activity over the past few years, and our goal is to gather experts to discuss some of the issues involved in interpreting data and applying statistical methods. Furthermore, we want to have brief reviews of current methods and the tools available, and finally some PROSPECTS for the future.
List of Invited Speakers:
The workshop will be a small-scale event with ample time for discussions. Note that there is no registration fee for the workshop, but there is a fee for those who wish to participate at the workshop dinner on Thursday the 16th of September.
Local Organizing Committee
A. Raklev (co-chair, Stockholm University), P. Scott (co-chair, Stockholm University), Y. Akrami (Stockholm University), J. Edsjö (Stockholm University), J. Conrad (Stockholm University), A. Putze (Stockholm University/KTH), J. Ripken (Stockholm University), C. Savage (Stockholm University).
Photos: J. Edsjö