1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The first result of the CERN LHCf experiment

1 Aug 2011, 16:00
The Svedberg (AlbaNova University Center)

The Svedberg

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Cosmic rays above the knee Ultra high energy cosmic rays - above the knee


Prof. katsuaki kasahara (waseda university)


LHCf is an experiment at CERN LHC and is dedicated to measure photons and neutrons in the very forward region to calibrate M.C event generator. Cosmic ray research over 10^14 eV normally uses air shower observation technique which must employ M.C simulation to derive incident cosmic ray energy and species etc. Air shower development is governed by the energetic secondary particles but we have meager information about the spectra of such particles. Therefore, we must calibrate M.C codes by experimental data. The first LHCf data on the photon spectrum is compared with M.C used in the cosmic ray field. The interaction model validity will also be discussed in conjunction with other LHC data on the eta distribution in the central region.

Primary author

Prof. katsuaki kasahara (waseda university)

Presentation materials