1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Anisotropy studies at the Pierre Auger Observatory

1 Aug 2011, 16:45
The Svedberg (AlbaNova University Center)

The Svedberg

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Cosmic rays above the knee Ultra high energy cosmic rays - above the knee


Mr Denis Allard (APC)


I will review the recent results of the Pierre Auger Observatory on the arrival directions of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays . I will present the latest salient results of the Pierre Auger Observatory, namely the current level of correlation between arrival directions of ultrahigh-energy air showers and the direction of nearby active galactic nuclei, the diffuse excess of events in the region of the radiogalaxy Centaurus A, as well as the intrinsic anisotropy seen in the ultrahigh-energy sky. At lower energy, I will mainly focus on the search for galactic neutron point sources. Finally I will attempt to discuss these previous studies in the context of the cosmic- ray spectrum and composition estimated with the Pierre Auger Observatory data.

Primary author

Mr Denis Allard (APC)

Presentation materials