1–5 Aug 2011
AlbaNova University Center
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dark Forces at the Tevatron

5 Aug 2011, 16:20
The Svedberg (AlbaNova University Center)

The Svedberg

AlbaNova University Center

Oral Particle Physics Particle physics


Matthew Buckley (Fermilab)


The anomaly reported recently by CDF can be well fit by a massive Z' coupling primarily to baryons. The U(1) gauge group associated with such a Z' is anomalous in the Standard Model; and so additional particle content is required. In this talk, I discuss two possible UV theories which include a leptophobic Z', and demonstrate that these models generically contain a viable dark matter candidate that have a direct detection cross-sections compatible with the DAMA/Libra and CoGeNT signals. It is therefore possible that collider experiments can directly probe dark forces that connect the Standard Model and the dark sector.

Primary author

Matthew Buckley (Fermilab)


Dan Hooper (Fermilab) Ethan Neil (Fermilab) Jon Rosner (University of Chicago) Pavel Perez (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Presentation materials