27 February 2012 to 23 March 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

PaLaCe: a coarse-grain model for studying the mechanical properties of proteins

5 Mar 2012, 11:30
132:028 (Nordita)




Dr Marco Pasi (BMSSI, Lyon)


We present a new coarse-grain protein model PaLaCe (Pasi-Lavery-Ceres) that has been developed to allow rapid studies of protein mechanics and to build up a deeper understanding of the links between mechanics and function. PaLaCe uses an intermediate level protein representation with two or three pseudoatoms per amino acid. Adding explicit peptide groups and backbone hydrogen bonding allows changes in secondary structure to be treated. The PaLaCe force field is composed of physics-based bonded and non-bonded interactions, combined with an implicit solvent term. The force field was parameterized using Boltzmann inversion of the probability distributions derived from a large database of well-resolved protein structures, and then optimized by fitting simulated and experimental distributions using an iterative refinement technique. PaLaCe has been implemented in the MMTK simulation package and can be used for energy minimization, normal mode calculations and molecular or stochastic dynamics. We illustrate its performance by simulating the forced unfolding of a titin immunoglobin domain.

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