27 February 2012 to 23 March 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

What is Temperature? Microcanonical Approach to the Statistical Mechanics of Molecular Systems

12 Mar 2012, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Michael Bachmann (The University of Georgia)


Folding and aggregation of molecules, as well as the adsorption of soft organic matter to solid inorganic substrates belong to the most interesting challenges in studies of structure formation and function of complex macromolecules. The substantially grown interest in the understanding of basic physical mechanisms underlying these processes is caused by their impact in a broad field that ranges from the molecular origin of the loss of biological functionality as, for example, in Alzheimer's disease, to the development of nanotechnological applications such as biosensors. Most of these systems are necessarily of finite size, but molecular structure formation exhibits cooperative effects that resemble similar processes in thermodynamic phase transitions. Inspired by the fact that the density of states, and with it the microcanonical entropy, is the natural result of any generalized-ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, we have introduced a method that allows for a systematic and unique identification and Ehrenfest-like classification of structural transitions in small systems by means of microcanonical analysis. This computational approach to phase transitions, which is hardly accessible in theoretical studies, is particularly useful for the analysis of cooperative behavior in folding, aggregation, and adsorption processes of polymers and proteins. In this talk, I am going to discuss background and application of this method.

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