27 February 2012 to 23 March 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Predicting protein structure by solving the inverse Potts problem: a pseudo-likelihood approach

20 Mar 2012, 11:30
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Erik Aurell (KTH)


Inverse statistical mechanics means to determine model parameters (couplings, external fields etc) from observations (one- and two-point correlations, or other data). In the course of an ongoing investigation into methods to do the "inverse Ising" problem we recently found that a pseudo-likelihood method works better than many other alternatives; it is particularly good in the parameter range of strong interactions and few samples [1]. We have recently tried to extend this method to determine amino acid contacts from protein sequences in the same protein family, following the approach of Morcos et al [2]. The relevant model is then a Potts model with 20 or 21 states. We find that here also the pseudo-likelihood provides somewhat better reconstruction of known protein structures [3]. This is joint work with Magnus Ekeberg and Martin Weigt. [1] Erik Aurell, Magnus Ekeberg "Inverse Ising inference using all the data", Physical Review Letters (2012, in press) [arXiv:1107.3536] [2] Faruck Morcos et al, "Direct-coupling analysis of residue coevolution captures native contacts across many protein families", PNAS November 21, 2011 [3] Magnus Ekeberg, Erik Aurell, Martin Weigt (2012, in preparation)

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