27 February 2012 to 23 March 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Atomistic and Coarse Grained Simulations of Viral Capsids

13 Mar 2012, 11:30
132:028 (Nordita)




Dr Christoph Globisch (Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz)Dr Venkatramanan Krishnamani (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh)


The major protective coat of most viruses is a highly symmetric protein capsid that forms spontaneously from many copies of identical proteins. Structural and mechanical properties of several such capsids, as well as their self-assembly process, have been studied experimentally and theoretically, including modeling efforts by computer simulations on various scales. Atomistic models include specific details of local protein binding but are limited to small time- and length-scales, while coarse grained (CG) models capture the scales to study protein assembly but often lack the specific local interactions. Multiscale models aim at bridging this gap by systematically connecting different levels of resolution. We have started to develop a multiscale simulation approach to study the protein capsid complex of the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus (CCMV), a plant virus with an icosahedral symmetric (T=3) shell of 180 identical proteins. Here, we link simulations at different levels of resolution by parameterizing CG models using atomistic simulations of monomers. From this CG level, we predict emergent properties of larger aggregates, which are possible intermediates in the assembly process or otherwise relevant for the mechanical stability of the virus shell. Atomistic (united atom) molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution were carried out to study the conformations sampled by these aggregates (on the limited timescale that is accessible to these simulations) and to investigate the interactions at the protein interface. On the CG side we have used and refined two types of models, the MARTINI model (3-4 heavy atoms per CG bead, explicit water representation) [1] and a recently developed implicit solvent protein model by Bereau and Deserno [2]. [1] Marrink, S. J., Risselada, H. J., Yefimov, S., Tieleman, D. P., and de Vries, A. H. (2007) The MARTINI force field: coarse grained model for biomolecular simulations, J Phys Chem B 111, 7812-7824. [2] Bereau, T., and Deserno, M. (2009) Generic coarse-grained model for protein folding and aggregation, J Chem Phys 130, 235106.

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