27 February 2012 to 23 March 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fullerene interaction with lipid membranes: atomistic and coarse-grained simulation studies

7 Mar 2012, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Luca Monticelli (INSERM, Paris)


Biological membranes compartmentalize cells and form the interface between the cell and its environment. Lipid bilayers are fundamental components of cell membranes. Due to their fluidity, it is very difficult to obtain experimentally atomic level structural information on lipid bilayers in their physiologically relevant state. One property that is difficult to explore in experiments is the membrane ability to dissolve different solutes, including transmembrane peptides and synthetic compounds. We investigated the solubility of fullerene in lipid bilayers, and compared it to its solubility in alkanes. Fullerenes and their derivatives have unique properties that make them interesting for a number of technological applications. Moreover, they are biologically active and can enter easily liposomes and different kinds of cells. Despite numerous studies on both synthetic and biological systems, it is yet unclear how these materials interact with lipid bilayers, and their aggregation in membranes is controversial. I will present results on the validation of all-atom models for C60 fullerene, and on the development of a coarse-grained (CG) model compatible with the MARTINI CG force field for lipids and proteins [1-2]. Using both unbiased and non-equilibrium MD techniques, we characterize the thermodynamics and the kinetics of fullerene aggregation in lipid bilayers and in alkanes. We find that, despite the apparent similarity between alkanes and the bilayer interior, membranes are much better solvents for fullerene. Our results are compatible with experiments showing small perturbations of membrane properties upon addition of fullerene. [1] SJ Marrink et al., J Phys Chem B, 111 (2007) 7812 [2] L Monticelli et al., J Chem Theory Comput, 4 (2008) 819

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