Reza Bakhtiari
(Institut für Theoretische Physik Hamburg)
We theoretically investigate the thermodynamics of an
interacting inhomogeneous two-component Fermi gas in an
optical lattice. Motivated by a recent experiment, Science,
327, 1621 (2010), we study the effect of the interplay
between thermodynamics and strong correlations on the size
of the fermionic cloud. We use dynamical mean-field theory
to compute the cloud size, which in the experiment shows an
anomalous expansion behavior upon increasing attractive
interaction. We confirm this qualitative effect but,
assuming adiabaticity, we find quantitative agreement only
for weak interactions. For strong interactions we observe
significant non-equilibrium effects which we attribute to a
dynamical arrest of the particles due to increasing
Primary author
Reza Bakhtiari
(Institut für Theoretische Physik Hamburg)