Henk Stoof
(Utrecht University)
Recent advances in the experimental control of ultracold
atomic gases have enabled the creation of new phases
of matter in strongly interacting imbalanced Fermi gases
that have never been observed before. These
achievements have led to a series of exciting new
developments, because understanding strongly
interacting imbalanced Fermi gases is important for
many fields of physics, such as condensed-
matter physics, nuclear physics, and astroparticle
phyics. In particular, we have recently presented strong
evidence for a supersolid phase in the 6Li-40K mixture
that is presently being created in various laboratoriums
around the world. To identify the physical principles at
work in these exotic quantum gases and to unravel
their consequences, it is an urgent matter to develop
an accurate microscopic theory that is capable of
directing and analysing future experiments. We present
our most recent attempts aimed at achieving this goal.
Primary author
Henk Stoof
(Utrecht University)