Boris Malomed
(Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Physical Electronics)
The quantum-mechanical collapse (alias "fall onto the
center" of particles attracted by potential -1/r^2) is a well-
known issue in the elementary quantum theory. It is
closely related to the so-called "quantum anomaly", i.e.,
breaking of the scaling invariance of the respective
Hamiltonian by the quantization. We demonstrate that, in a
rarefied gas of quantum particles attracted by the above-
mentioned potential, the mean-field repulsive nonlinearity
induced by collisions between the particles prevents the
collapse, and thus puts forward a solution to the quantum-
anomaly problem different from that previously developed in
the framework of the linear quantum-field theory. This
solution may be realized in the 3D or 2D gas of dipolar
bosons attracted by a central charge, and also in the 2D gas
of magnetic dipoles attracted by a current filament. In lieu
of the collapse, the cubic nonlinearity creates a 3D ground
state (GS), which does not exist in the respective linear
Schroedinger equation. The addition of the harmonic
trapping potential gives rise to a tristability, in the case
when the Schroedinger equation still does not lead to the
collapse. In the 2D setting, the cubic nonlinearity is not
strong enough to prevent the collapse; however, the quintic
term does it.
The analysis is also extended to the 3D anisotropic setting,
with the dipoles polarized by an external uniform field.
H. Sakaguchi and B. A. Malomed, Suppression of the
quantum-mechanical collapse by repulsive interactions in a
quantum gas, Phys. Rev. A 83, 013907 (2011);
H. Sakaguchi and B. A. Malomed, Suppression of the
quantum collapse in an anisotropic gas of dipolar bosons,
Phys. Rev. A 84, 033616 (2011).
Primary author
Boris Malomed
(Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Physical Electronics)