Adrian Kantian
(University of Geneva)
Advances in cold gases physics are enabling experiments
involving the direct manipulation and observation of single-
or few-atom mobile impurities [1,2] within a many-body
quantum system, a topic of longstanding interest for
condensed matter theory, where it is related to studies of
e.g. conductivity and the X-ray edge problem.
In light of these developments we study the dynamics of
single mobile impurities in 1D quantum liquids, using
analytical and DMRG techniques. We address the question
of whether the recently proposed subdiffusive
regime of impurity motion [3] constitutes a novel
universality class of single particle excitations, one that is
very different from that of the standard Tomonaga-
Luttinger liquid excitations. We study the conditions for
observing this regime and its' crossover to the ballistic
regime. We furthermore examine the possibilities to
observe the intermediate diffusive motion of impurities in
these systems as well as various types of polaronic
dynamics [2,4].
[1] J. Catani, G. Lamporesi, D. Naik et. al., Phys. Rev. A 85,
023623 (2012)
[2[ T. Fukuhara, A. Kantian, M. Endres et. al.,
[3] M. B. Zvonarev, V. V. Cheianov, T. Giamarchi, PRL 99,
240404 (2007); PRL 103, 110401 (2009)
[4] F. Massel, A. Kantian, A. J. Daley et. al.,
Primary author
Adrian Kantian
(University of Geneva)