Jesper Levinsen
(University of Cambridge)
We investigate the three-body properties of two
identical "up" fermions and one distinguishable "down"
atom interacting in a strongly confined two-dimensional
geometry. We compute exactly the atom-dimer
scattering properties and the three-body recombination
rate as a function of collision energy and mass ratio
m_up/m_down. We find that the recombination rate for
fermions is strongly energy dependent, similarly to what
was found for two-dimensional identical bosons. For
m_up < m_down, the s-wave atom-dimer scattering
below threshold is completely described by the
scattering length. Furthermore, we examine the "up-up-
down" bound states (trimers) appearing at large
m_up/m_down and find that the energy spectrum for the
deepest bound trimers resembles that of a hydrogen
atom confined to two dimensions.
Primary author
Jesper Levinsen
(University of Cambridge)