Marcello Dalmonte
Motivated by ground-breaking experimental findings,
static gauge potentials and topological phases of
matter are currently two of the most intriguing topics in
cold atom physics. In the first part of the talk, we will
show how topological phases supporting Majorana
edge states emerge in simple toy models of fermionic
ladders without the need of any additional reservoir by
exploiting the mutual symmetries of ladder setups. We
will then discuss how a key ingredient of these toy
models, namely inter-wire pair tunneling, can be
realized in cold gases in optical lattices. In the second
part of the talk, we will show how the physics of
dynamical gauge fields, which play a key-role in the
Standard model of particle physics and in frustrated
spin systems, emerges in multi-component Bose and
Fermi mixtures, providing a route toward the quantum
simulation of confinement phenomena.
Primary author
Marcello Dalmonte