21 January 2013 to 15 February 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum Simulators of Lattice Gauge Theories: Introduction

14 Feb 2013, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO, Barcelona)


I will present an introduction to the theory of quantum link models, a.k.a. gauge magnets, that are particularly suitable for realizations with ultracold atoms. These models provide an alternative to the standard Wilson's method formulation of lattice gauge theories (LGT). I will derive the simplest Hamiltonian for Abelian U(1) LGT and show the simplest SU(2) extension. Implementation with Rydberg atoms will be shortly discussed. [1] L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, A. Zamora, and M. Lewenstein, Optical Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 330, 160-191 (2013), arXiv:1205.0496. [2] L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, P. Orland, and M. Lewenstein, Simulations of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices, arXiv:1211.2704.

Primary author

Prof. Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO, Barcelona)

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