Miikka Heikkinen
(Aalto University)
We investigate exotic paired states of spin-polarized
Fermi gases in the dimensional crossover between
onedimensional and three-dimensional optical lattices. We
compute the finite temperature phase diagram of the system
along the dimensional crossover using real-space dynamical
mean-field theory in combination with the continuous-time
auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo method. We find that the
Fulde-Ferrell–Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state can be
realized for a broad range of parameters throughout the
dimensional crossover. We study the melting of the FFLO
state which involves the formation of a shell structure with
a strong dependence on the dimensionality. Moreover, we
investigate how the spectral function of the system is
modified by the non-trivial spatial structure of the FFLO state.
Primary authors
Dong-Hee Kim
(Aalto University)
Miikka Heikkinen
(Aalto University)