Luca Salasnich
(Department of Physics, University of Padova)
We study theoretically the effects of spin-orbit coupling
on a two-spin-component ultracold atomic Fermi gas
along the BCS-BEC crossover of a Feshbach resonance.
We find that the condensate fraction of Cooper pairs
characterizes the crossover better than other quantities,
like the chemical potential or the pairing gap. We also
find that, due to the spin-orbit coupling, in addition to
singlet pairing, there is a finite triplet pairing. We predict
that a large enough spin-orbit interaction
enhances the singlet condensate fraction with respect to
the triplet one in the BCS side while suppressing it on
the BEC side.
[1] L. Dell'Anna, G. Mazzarella, L. Salasnich, Phys. Rev. A
84, 033633 (2011).
[2] L. Dell'Anna, G. Mazzarella, L. Salasnich, Phys. Rev. A
86, 053632 (2012).
Primary author
Luca Salasnich
(Department of Physics, University of Padova)