Cristiane Morais Smith
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht)
During the last years, cold atoms loaded into optical lattices
emerged as an ideal playground to emulate condensed
matter systems. In this talk, I will first discuss a recently
proposed experimental set-up, which allows for the
realization of a spin-dependent optical lattice, in which an
effective Zeeman coupling can be generated by Raman
excitations [1]. The model Hamiltonian is quite simple, but
leads to very rich physics: the ground state bears
similarities with a coupled spin- and charge-density wave
state. A path integral formalism is discussed, based on a
Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, which allows one to
treat both, spin and charge within RPA, on the same
footing. In the second part, I will discuss a 3-band Hubbard
model in a bipartite 2D optical lattice, to describe recent
experiments in which an interaction induced $p_x + i p_y$
BEC is stabilized [2].
[1] D. Makogon, I. B. Spielman, and C. Morais Smith, EPL
97, 33002 (2012); Editor choice EPL 2012.
[2] M. Olschlager, T. Kock, G. Wirth, A. Ewerbeck, C. Morais
Smith, and A. Hemmerich, preprint 2012.
Primary author
Cristiane Morais Smith
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht)