21 January 2013 to 15 February 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in 1D lattices - dipolar stabilization, de-stabilization and collapse

29 Jan 2013, 10:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Prof. Axel Griesmaier (University of Stuttgardt, Germany)


In my talk I will try to to shine a light on the peculiar stability conditions of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in 1D optical lattices. All effects connected with the formation of ordered states in dipolar quantum gases appear close to the border between stability and instability of the trapped gas. These features are mediated by the interplay between short-range and long-range, isotropic and anisotropic interactions and the trap. Due to the anisotropy of dipole-dipole interaction, the stability properties are in fact strongly affected by the confining potential. We have experimentally studied these stability conditions for various scenarios with a dipolar 52Cr Bose-Einstein condensate, especially in the relevant case of periodic 1D lattice potentials where we observe that inter-sites effects play an important role. A 1D lattice, in contrast to a purely contact interacting gas, induces a crossover from a dipolar de-stabilization to a dipolar stabilized regime with increasing lattice depth. In a deep lattice, a dipolar condensate can be stabilized even at large negative scattering length in the interaction-dominated regime. As an important consequence, a dipolar condensate can be stable in trap but immediately collapse as soon as the external confinement is removed. This characteristic feature of strongly dipolar BECs makes the usual mapping from time-of flight measurements on the momentum distribution highly non-trivial.

Primary author

Prof. Axel Griesmaier (University of Stuttgardt, Germany)

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