Tilman Esslinger
(ETH, Zürich)
We report on the observation of short-range quantum magnetic
correlations of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice. The
key to entering the regime of quantum magnetism is a tunable
geometry optical lattice, which allows us to locally
redistribute the entropy. When loading a low-temperature
two-component gas with repulsive interactions into either a
dimerized or anisotropic simple cubic lattice, we find
magnetic correlations on neighbouring sites. The
correlations manifest as an excess number of singlets as
compared to triplets consisting of two atoms with opposite
spins. For the anisotropic lattice, we determine the
transverse spin correlator from the singlet-triplet
imbalance and observe antiferromagnetic correlations along
one spatial axis.
Primary author
Tilman Esslinger
(ETH, Zürich)