Clement Wong
(Utrecht University)
We study the Hall conductivity in a spin-orbit coupled
bosonic Mott insulator. Using a strong-coupling
perturbation theory, we show that in the spinful Bose
Hubbard model, interactions can induce momentum-space Berry
curvature, leading to the anomalous Hall phase.
Furthermore, we find that the ground state can in principle
support an integer Hall conductivity, i.e., the quantum
anomalous Hall phase, if the sum of the Chern numbers of the
hole bands is nonzero. For the abelian spin-orbit coupled
Bose gas that has been achieved in cold atom experiments, we
propose some experimental signatures of the interaction
induced Berry curvature. Our results have implications for
topological transport in the Mott-insulating phases with
textured magnetic order.
Primary author
Clement Wong
(Utrecht University)