21 January 2013 to 15 February 2013
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Ultracold bosons in double- and triple-well potentials

1 Feb 2013, 14:00
132:028 (Nordita)




Dr Giovanni Mazzarella (Università di Padova)


We consider ultracold and dilute bosonic atoms confined by double-well shaped potentials. By employing the two- site Bose-Hubbard (BH) model as a theoretical tool, we describe the behaviour of such a system both at zero and at finite temperature. The ground-state of the two-site BH Hamiltonian will be studied by analyzing how the inter-atomic interaction affects the quantum Fisher information, the coherence visibility, and the entanglement entropy, by focusing, in particular, on the emergence of the Schrödinger's cat like state. In the presence of the temperature, I will show that, contrary to naive expectations, when the boson-boson interaction is suitably chosen thermal effects can increase the coherence visibility. Finally, we consider ultracold dipolar bosonic atoms trapped by triple-well potentials in the presence of periodic boundary conditions. By diagonalizing the three-mode extended BH Hamiltonian, we study the ground-state of the system by characterizing it by means of the entanglement entropy.

Primary author

Dr Giovanni Mazzarella (Università di Padova)

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