27–29 Jun 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Non-local charges, curved momentum space and fractal space-time

27 Jun 2012, 11:20
132:028 (Nordita)




Michele Arzano


Non-local currents and their associated conserved charges have been known and studied widely in two- dimensional field theories. Their main feature is that their action on product of fields is non-additive i.e. it follows a "deformed" Leibniz rule. Less appreciated is the fact that non-local charges appear in the context of three-dimensional Einstein gravity where they describe the energy-momentum of a "topologically" gravitating point particle. Here momenta are Lorentz group elements and the non-additive action is simply a consequence of the non-abelian structure of the group. After a brief introduction I will show how quantization of such relativistic point particle with group- valued momenta leads to a non-commutative field theory. As an application I will introduce a non- commutative heat-kernel, calculate the associated spectral dimension and comment on its non-trivial behaviour. Finally I will discuss how these structure can be extended to a 4d context and comment on some potential applications.

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