Aug 8 – 17, 2008
Europe/Stockholm timezone



The school will consist of two preparatory days and 8 focus days. Emphasis will be put on pedagogical white board presentations, with ample time for discussions, interactions and work outs.

All lectures take place in NORDITA's main lecture hall.

We have compiled a short reading list for those who want to prepare a bit for the topics of the school.

  • Pre-school (Aug 8 and 9)

    Format: (NB: The afternoon of Aug 9 will be free.)
    8:30: welcome/coffee
    09:00-10:30: lecture
    10:30-11:00: break
    11:00-12:30: lecture
    12:30-14:30: lunch
    14:30-16:00: lecture
    16:00-16:30: break
    16:30-18:00: lecture

    Lecture topics:
    - introduction to GR (NN)
    - the cosmological concordance model (NN)
    - Problems of the standard Big Bang scenario (MS)
    - Geometry and properties of deSitter spacetime (CdR/AT)
    - Introduction to quantum field theory in curved spacetime (CdR/AT)

  • Focus days I (Aug 10-13):
    The Cosmological Constant Challenge

    (Claudia de Rham and Andrew Tolley)

    8:30: coffee
    09:00-10:30: lecture
    10:30-11:00: break
    11:00-12:30: lecture
    12:30-14:30: lunch
    14:30-16:30: homework/discussions
    16:30-17:00: break
    17:00-18:00: conclusions

    Lecture topics:
    - Gravity as an effective field theory
    - GR as a theory of massless spin two particles
    - Supersymmetry, supergravity (and strings)
    - One-loop effective action in curved spacetime
    - Renormalization in the presence of gravity
    - Technical Naturalness: the c.c. as a hierarchy problem
    - Description of some attempted solutions (Scalar field models, Stringy proposals ....)
    - Technically natural solutions
    - Dynamical solutions
    - Infrared modifications of gravity

  • Focus days II (Aug 14-17):
    Advanced Inflation

    (Martin Sloth)

    8:30: coffee
    09:00-10:30: lecture
    10:30-11:00: break
    11:00-12:30: lecture
    12:30-14:30: lunch
    14:30-16:30: homework/discussions
    16:30-17:00: break
    17:00-18:00: conclusions

    Lecture topics:
    - Inflation
    - Cosmological perturbations
    - Open problems
    - Inflation models
    - Alternatives to ordinary inflation
    - Curvaton model
    - non-Gaussianities
    - Loop corrections

Note also that the IDM will take place on the same Campus from Aug 18 - 22, addressing partly the topics of the school.