18–21 Jun 2012
Europe/Stockholm timezone

CalcHEP and HEPMDB: a practical introduction

19 Jun 2012, 17:50
Oskar Klein Auditorium

Oskar Klein Auditorium

Talk Particle physics phenomenology Event generators


Dr Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton)


The practical introduction into CalcHEP package and High Energy Physics Model database will be given together with the short tutorial. CalcHEP is a powerful tool for theoretical, phenomenological and experimental studies in High Energy Physics (HEP). CalcHEP allows users to automate the calculations and studies starting from the introduction of any user-defined model and ending by the realistic event simulation, kinematical distributions and analysis. In its present status CalcHEP can be considered is a ready setup for study of LHC physics within Standard Model and Beyond. On the other hand HEPMDB is a convenient centralized storage environment for HEP models, and can accommodate, via web interface to the HPC cluster, the validation of models, evaluation of LHC predictions and event generation-simulation chain. The ultimate goal of HEPMDB is perform an effective LHC data interpretation isolating the most successful theory for explaining the LHC observations.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials