2–27 Sept 2013
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden


This program is about the Ly α transition in Hydrogen and its astrophysical applications. Young stellar populations are dominated by massive, hot and short-lived stars that ionize their surroundings. Hydrogen recombination lines reprocess the ionizing radiation and are therefore ubiquitously strong in star forming regions. The intrinsically strongest line is Ly α (following the transition from the first excited state to the ground state) and with a rest wavelength in the far Ultra Violet it has become the most used spectral probe of the distant universe, and is used to assemble large samples of high redshift galaxies. However, the line is a resonant one and the absorption cross section in neutral Hydrogen is high, meaning that Ly α photons have a tendency to scatter in the interstellar medium in galaxies. Ly α is hence a powerful, but complicated, probe of star forming and high redshift galaxies. This programs aims to bring together experts in modeling Ly α radiative transfer and galaxy formation, and observations of Ly α in local galaxies and the distant universe.

During the second week of the program, 9-13 September 2013, there will be a workshop.


[Slides from talks]

Further information

You can find more information about this program and the workshop 9-13 September on the home page of the Astronomy Department at Stockholm University.


If you want to apply for participation in the program, please fill in the application form.

You should use this application form both if you intend to participate in the program 2-6 and 16-27 September as well as if you will only be attending the workshop 9-13 September.

You will be informed by the organizers shortly after the application deadline whether your application has been approved. Due to space restrictions, the total number of participants is strictly limited. (Invited speakers are of course automatically approved, but need to register anyway.)

Application deadline: 14 July 2013

A minimum stay of one working week is required and we encourage participants to stay for a period of at least two weeks.

Sponsored by:

Nordita Swedish Research Council Stockholm University

Nordita, Stockholm