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Tuesday, 6 November Session 1 (Chair: Axel Brandenburg) Streaming video ------------------------------------------------------------- 14:00 Axel Brandenburg (Nordita): Opening 14:05 Lennart Nordh (Stockholm): Astrobiology - as a space-related activity 14:30 Samuel Regandel (Uppsala): Protoplanetary disk modelling; vertical disk structure 15:00 Kai Finster (Aarhus): Mars simulation experiments 15:30 Coffee Session 2 (Chair: Britt-Marie Sjoberg) Streaming video --------------------------------------------------------------- 16:00 Nicholas Braun (Tromso): Thermodynamics of subcellular compartmentation and its evolutionary implications 16:30 Magnus Ivarsson (Stockholm): Fossilized microorganisms from the Emperor Seamounts: implications for the search for a sub-surface biosphere on Earth and beyond 17:00 Kristian Lindgren (Gothenburg): Self-replicating patterns and information dynamics (PDF) 17:30 Discussion 18:00 Reception Wednesday 7 November Session 3 (Chair: Göran Olofsson) Streaming video ----------------------------------------------------- 9:00 Sandra Siljeström (Stockholm): Detection of biomarkers in oils using ToF-SIMS-Implications for early Earth studies and Mars sample return 9:30 Mats Larsson (Stockholm): H3+ ion and its recombination with electrons 10:00 Henning Schmidt (Stockholm): DESIREE as a new tool for interstellar ion chemistry 10:30 Coffee Session 4 (Chair: Nils Holm) Streaming video ------------------------------------------------- 11:00 Rene Liseau (Gothenburg): Circumstellar disks - the formation sites of planets 11:30 Raphael Plasson (Nordita): Theory of proto-metabolism (TBC) 12:00 Minik Rosing (Copenhagen): Geologic consequences of photosynthesis (TBC) 12:30 Discussion 13:00 Lunch