Nov 6 – 7, 2007
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The purpose of this Astrobiology meeting is to bring together people from the Nordic countries in general and Sweden in particular. There will be time for formal presentation and plenty of time for discussion. The meeting is organized jointly with the Swedish Astrobiology Network (SWAN).

In addition, a SWAN business meeting is planned for Tuesday, 6 November, 12:30-13:50, in the small seminar room at Nordita. Many of us will bring their lunch to the meeting. You may also bring it on a tray from the canteen.

How to get here? (this link has a description and a map). The meeting takes place in the Nordita building, just next to the AlbaNova main building.

Local organizing committee: Axel Brandenburg (chair), Nils Holm, Raphael Plasson, Anthony Poole

Limited support for travel subsistence is available. Please email Axel Brandenburg for details. For future emails about this and other Nordic Astrobiology events, please sign up on the mailman mailing list; see Forr annoucements in the Stockholm area see

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Preliminary schedule:

Tuesday, 6 November

Session 1 (Chair: Axel Brandenburg) Streaming video

14:00 Axel Brandenburg (Nordita): Opening

14:05 Lennart Nordh (Stockholm): Astrobiology - as a space-related activity

14:30 Samuel Regandel (Uppsala):
      Protoplanetary disk modelling; vertical disk structure

15:00 Kai Finster (Aarhus): Mars simulation experiments

15:30 Coffee

Session 2 (Chair: Britt-Marie Sjoberg) Streaming video

16:00 Nicholas Braun (Tromso):
      Thermodynamics of subcellular compartmentation and its evolutionary

16:30 Magnus Ivarsson (Stockholm):
      Fossilized microorganisms from the Emperor Seamounts: implications
      for the search for a sub-surface biosphere on Earth and beyond

17:00 Kristian Lindgren (Gothenburg):
      Self-replicating patterns and information dynamics (PDF)

17:30 Discussion

18:00 Reception

Wednesday 7 November

Session 3 (Chair: Göran Olofsson) Streaming video

 9:00 Sandra Siljeström (Stockholm):
      Detection of biomarkers in oils using ToF-SIMS-Implications for
      early Earth studies and Mars sample return

 9:30 Mats Larsson (Stockholm):
      H3+ ion and its recombination with electrons

10:00 Henning Schmidt (Stockholm):
      DESIREE as a new tool for interstellar ion chemistry

10:30 Coffee

Session 4 (Chair: Nils Holm) Streaming video

11:00 Rene Liseau (Gothenburg):
      Circumstellar disks - the formation sites of planets

11:30 Raphael Plasson (Nordita):
      Theory of proto-metabolism (TBC)

12:00 Minik Rosing (Copenhagen):
      Geologic consequences of photosynthesis (TBC)

12:30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

Nordita Seminar Room
  • Anthony Poole
  • Axel Brandenburg
  • Nils Holm
  • Raphaël Plasson