15–17 May 2008
<a href="http://www.albanova.se/">AlbaNova</a>
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Computing the Tutte polynomial in vertex-exponential time

17 May 2008, 10:00
FB42 (AlbaNova main building)


AlbaNova main building

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 Stockholm, Sweden


Dr Petteri Kaski (HIIT)


The deletion--contraction algorithm is perhaps the most popular method for computing a host of fundamental graph invariants such as the chromatic, flow, and reliability polynomials in graph theory, the Jones polynomial of an alternating link in knot theory, and the partition functions of the models of Ising, Potts, and Fortuin--Kasteleyn in statistical physics. Prior to this work, deletion--contraction was also the fastest known general-purpose algorithm for these invariants, running in time roughly proportional to the number of spanning trees in the input graph. <rb> Here, we give a substantially faster algorithm that computes the Tutte polynomial---and hence, all the aforementioned invariants and more---of an arbitrary graph in time and space 2^nn^{O(1)}.
Joint work with Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt, and Mikko Koivisto.

Presentation materials