2:30 PM
Random models vs Non random models
Massimo Ostili
3:00 PM
Temperature dependent sampling in random KSAT problems
John Ardelius
3:30 PM
Belief Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Bracha Hod
4:00 PM
GODS: Global Observatory for Distributed Systems
Cosmin Arad
4:30 PM
Prediction and Identification of non-coding RNA in Bacteria
Aymeric Fouquier d'Herouel
(KTH Computational Biology)
5:00 PM
Comparing mRNA- and protein expression
Gabriel Östlund
(SBC, Stockholm University)
5:30 PM
A Graph Partitioning Algorithm on the Planted Partition Model
Mikael Onsjö
(CS Chalmers University of Technology)
5:50 PM
Domain tree based analysis of protein architecture evolution
Kristoffer Forslund
6:20 PM
Statistical Physics of LDPC Codes on Real MIMO Channels
Roberto Castro Alamino
6:50 PM
Cycle avoidance in LDPC codes
Mattias Andersson
(S3 KTH)
7:20 PM
Multi-user detection with sparse signature codes
Jack Raymond
7:40 PM
Distributed Source Coding in Audio Coding
Minyue Li