20–23 Jun 2016
AlbaNova University Centre
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Generation of upward Alfvénic waves by the chromospheric shock waves

23 Jun 2016, 16:00
FR4 (AlbaNova University Centre)


AlbaNova University Centre

Oskar Klein Auditorium


Munehito Shoda (The University of Tokyo)


Classically, the solar chromosphere was thought to be a dissipative medium for Alfvén waves, in that those generated by the convective motions were thought to dissipate most of their energy there. However, recent high-resolution observations near the coronal base strongly suggest that the upward Alfvén waves are generated or amplified in the chromosphere by the large amplitude acoustic (shock) waves. This means that the classical wave-turbulence modelings of the solar corona and the solar wind need some modification, because most of such modelings neglect the interaction between the acoustic waves and the Alfvén waves. Understanding the Alfvén wave generation in the solar chromosphere is essential for more realistic modeling. We have performed both numerical simulations of one-dimensional MHD systems and the observations of the transverse Doppler velocities using off-limb spicule observation by IRIS. We first have investigated numerically the nonlinear interaction between large-amplitude acoustic (shock) waves and small-amplitude Alfvén waves in the chromosphere. We have found that, if the plasma beta is around unity, Alfvén waves are trapped and amplified around the shock front, leading to the strong amplification of the Alfvén waves. From this process, only upward Alfvén waves are generated. Since this process is likely to occur for strong acoustic shock waves propagating in a beta-unity plasma, the solar chromosphere is a favorable place for this process. We have compared the power-spectrum of the transverse velocity between the simulations and observations. Mg II k line is used for deriving the observational transverse velocities in the chromosphere. The similarity of the power spectrum strongly suggests that the generation of upward Alfvénic waves occur in the middle chromosphere under the formation height of Mg II k line.

Primary author

Munehito Shoda (The University of Tokyo)


Presentation materials