4–6 Oct 2017
SU campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Adiabatic continuity and Fermi-liquid like features in many-body localization

5 Oct 2017, 14:00
E306 (SU campus)


SU campus


Jens Bardarson


The emergent integrability of the many-body localized phase can be understood in terms of localized quasiparticles. As a result, the occupations of the one-particle density matrix in eigenstates show a Fermi-liquid like discontinuity. Furthermore, in the steady state reached at long times after a global quench from a perfect density wave state, this occupation discontinuity is absent but the full occupation function remains strongly nonthermal. We discuss how one can understand this as a consequence of the local structure of the density wave and the resulting partial occupation of quasiparticles. Phenomenologically, this is reminiscent of the effect of temperature in Fermi liquids that results in smearing of the occupation function.

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