Dmitry Ageev
"The momentum/size correspondence, black hole collapse and holographic complexity"
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Luis Alday
"Genus one string amplitudes from conformal field theory"
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Alice Bernamonti
"First law of complexity"
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Matteo Bertolini
"On supersymmetry breaking vacua from D-branes at orientifold singularities"
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Alejandra Castro
"The Landscape of Supersymmetric Symmetric Product Orbifolds"
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Shira Chapman
"Complexity in Holography and QFT"
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Ulf Danielsson
"A journey out of the swamp riding a dark bubble"
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Saskia Demulder
"T-duality perspective on integrable deformations"
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Oscar Dias
"Strong Cosmic Censorship"
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Roberto Emparan
"Black holes in the large D limit"
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Johanna Erdmenger
"Beyond the standard model physics from gauge/gravity duality"
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Ulf Gran
"Holographic plasmons in strange metals"
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Mariana Grana
"Challenges in the construction of de Sitter vacua in string theory"
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Gianluca Grignani
"Force Free Electrodynamics description of Kerr black hole magnetosphere"
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Troels Harmark
"Non-relativistic Strings from Quantum Mechanics"
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Veronika Hubeny
"Holographic Entropy Relations"
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Niko Jokela
"Information flows in holography"
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Pete Jones
"Recruiting Great Scientists; brains or bias?"
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Cinthia Keeler
"Building 4 Dimensions from 3"
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Charlotte Kristjansen
"Domain walls and integrability within AdS/dCFT"
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Madalena Lemos
"The (super)conformal bootstrap program"
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Yolanda Lozano
"New results on AdS3/CFT2"
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David McGady
"Black hole evaporation and semiclassicality at large D"
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Andrew O'Bannon
"Central Charges of Two-Dimensional Defects and Boundaries"
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Silvia Penati
"From the COST experience to GenHET: Working on the problem of gender representation in Theoretical Physics"
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Silvia Penati
"Wilson Line Defects in ABJM Theory"
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Michela Petrini
"Aspects of flux compactifications"
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Vladimir Prochazka
"Gauge and gravitational anomalies in boundary CFT"
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Andrea Puhm
"Celestial Photons and Gravitons"
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Mukund Rangamani
"Topological String Entanglement"
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Minna Salminen-Karlsson
"Learning from history: What Marie, Irène and Maria had … and what is needed for a career in physics"
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Slides (Powerpoint)