May 4, 2009 to June 13, 2009
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Relativistic jets are responsible for the huge luminosities seen in active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts and are probably launched from the central black holes in these objects. The details of the jet launching mechanism, its acceleration, mechanisms of the energy dissipation, particle acceleration and the emission remain unknown. The aim of this Nordita program is to bring experts in different fields together to make a serious progress in our understanding of the physics of relativistic flows.

We also organize a 3-day workshop "Physics of relativistic flows: an observational view" on June 1-3, 2009.
See the conference web site for more details.

Streaming video recordings and ppt or pdf files of the talks held during the program can be found under Author index at this page. Abstracts and videos can be found also (in chronological order) on the Nordita seminar page.