29 August 2022 to 2 September 2022
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Realizing a deep reinforcement learning agent for the discovery of real-time feedback control strategies for a quantum system

31 Aug 2022, 14:55
Conference center, room ... (Albano Building 3)

Conference center, room ...

Albano Building 3

Albanovägen 29
Contributed talk


Kevin Reuer (Deparment of Physics, ETH Zürich)


Finding strategies to control quantum information processing devices in real-time becomes increasingly demanding as they grow in size and complexity. Reinforcement learning promises to overcome this challenge by uncovering the underlying system dynamics without relying on a specific model. Here, we implement a deep neural network on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and demonstrate its use as a real-time reinforcement learning agent to efficiently initialize a superconducting qubit into its ground state. The agent repeatedly measures the state of the qubit and chooses on a sub-microsecond time scale whether to idle, to apply a bit-flip gate, or to terminate. After the agent chooses to terminate the initialization process, we perform a validation measurement to infer the probability of having successfully initialized the ground state. To train the agent, we use model-free reinforcement learning that is based solely on measurement data.

Primary author

Kevin Reuer (Deparment of Physics, ETH Zürich)


Jonas Landgraf (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Thomas Fösel (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) James O'Sullivan (Department of Physics, ETH Zurich) Liberto Beltrán (Department of Physics, ETH Zurich) Florian Marquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light) Andreas Wallraff (Department of Physics, ETH Zurich) Christopher Eichler (Department of Physics, ETH Zurich)

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